Relations Reach

Relations Reach returns what we define as "Real Reach", the followers count of the user summed with the follower counts of all other users who retweeted the user that day. Counts are in gross.


Request - Required Parameters

  • app_id (STRING) - Eight Digit App ID [ex: 84d8620b]
  • app_key (STRING) - Thirty-two digit app key [ex: 281014ad8b0fba5adcc88fac7d79999c]
  • Post app registration, your app id and key can be viewed by going to and clicking "view

  • Time Period - Only two of three of these need to be used in a string. First & Last, First & Count, or Last & Count. Last & Count will return results the easiest.

    • first (STRING) - Defines the start of the time period. If January 1 2012 to February 21, 2012 was the specification required, start with specifying the the first time point with first=2011-01-01. Alternatively, say the specification was between yesterday and today.
      • Example(s): first=2011-01-01 first=1323466328 or first=yesterday
    • last (STRING) - Defines the end of a time period. To continue the example above, if the date range specified is January 1, 2012 to February 21, 2011, specify last=2011-02-21. Alternatively say the time period you always wanted to measure was today. One could specify last=today, and then use count to specify 14, 30, up to 1000 days back relative to the time range enabled for the account on the API.
      • Example: last=2012-02-21 or last=1318195928 OR last=today OR last=yesterday
    • count (STRING) - Count is used as a period proxy to specified time periods. The standard time period is a day, so using count, you would specify the last 30, 60, 90, 100, to 1000 days by specifying last=today & count=30 (or another period length).
      • Example: count=1 OR 10 OR 100 OR 1000 to specify the time period backward or forward
  • source (STRING) - source=twitter
  • term (STRING) - username on Twitter. term=pepsi (remove @ symbol)

    Request - Sample URL********&app_key=********39412a3a4e346591bd112e27


    Returns two

    Response - Fields

    1. time period (STRING) - day, hour, minute
    2. real (STRING) - real reach
    3. source (STRING) - twitter
    4. timestamp (STRING) - unixtime timestamp when interaction occurred
    5. user_id (STRING) - twitter screen name of doing the action
  • username (STRING) - username within specified term that action is happening to
  • status (STRING) - submitted, processing, waiting (rarely), complete
  • Sample Response

      "data": [
      "id": "999-2e8f1c65fb1f2e30b03b93e4ae304375",
      "request": {
        "app_id": "2476ec6a",
        "app_key": "8ede04eb39412a3a4e346591bd112e27",
        "count": 10,
        "external": true,
        "last": 1336953600,
        "name": "relationsreach",
        "source": "twitter",
        "term": "pepsi"
      "status": "complete"
    Code Samples coming soon!