Friends and Followers
A histogram of followers and friends (following) counts for each date. Term must = user:name to specify an @name; entering @name will produce unexpected results. Counts are retrieved only from posts that the user has made during the date range specified. If there have been no posts on a given day / time period within that range, the counts from the previous day will be reflected.
Request - Required Parameters
- app_id (STRING) - Eight Digit ID [ex: 84d8620b]
- app_key (STRING) - Thirty-two digit key [ex: 281014ad8b0fba5adcc88fac7d79999c]
Post app registration, your app id and key can be viewed by going to and clicking "view"
Time Period - Only two of three of these need to be used in a string. First & Last, First & Count, or Last & Count. Last & Count will return results the easiest.
- first (STRING) - Defines the start of the time period. If January 1 2012 to February 21, 2012 was the specification required, start with specifying the the first time point with first=2011-01-01. Alternatively, say the specification was between yesterday and today.
- Example(s): first=2011-01-01 first=1323466328 or first=yesterday
- last (STRING) - Defines the end of a time period. To continue the example above, if the date range specified is January 1, 2012 to February 21, 2011, specify last=2011-02-21. Alternatively say the time period you always wanted to measure was today. One could specify last=today, and then use count to specify 14, 30, up to 1000 days back relative to the time range enabled for the account on the API.
- Example: last=2012-02-21 or last=1318195928 OR last=yesterday OR last=today
- count (STRING) - Count is used as a period proxy to specified time periods. The standard time period is a day, so using count, you would specify the last 30, 60, 90, 100, to 1000 days by specifying last=today & count=30 (or another period length).
- Example: count=1 OR 10 OR 100 OR 1000 to specify the time period backward or forward
Request - Option Parameters
- period (STRING) - Integer of the number of seconds that a period constitutes if "count" is specified rather than a start/end date.
- Default setting: period=86400 (24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds) or one Day
- Day: Count=30 (30 days)
- Example: &first=yesterday&count=30 - Specifies chart or histogram to return 30 days (periods) of data with reference to default period setting
- Hour: Specify period=3600 (60 minutes x 60 seconds) & Count=24 (hours)
- Example date setting: &first=1323468000&count=24&period=3600 - Returns 1 day of data by hour
- limit (STRING)- Limit search results to the specified number. Limit=20 will only return 20 data points and can be used in histograms or charts.
- number (STRING) - Specifies number of items in non-histogram queries. If the parameter &number=10, the query will only return 10 data points.
- reverse (STRING) - When set to reverse=true, this will reverse the order of the histograms, charts.
Request - Sample URL
Responses return 100 data points with JSON format.
Response - Fields
- #date (DATE)
- friends (NUMERIC)
- followers (NUMERIC)
- status (STRING) - The status of your request (values: submitted, processing, complete)
Sample Response
{ "data": [ [ "2011-09-14", { "followers": 10064193, "friends": 689758 } ], [ "2011-09-15", { "followers": 10076141, "friends": 689703 } ], [ "2011-09-16", { "followers": 10088470, "friends": 689650 } ], [ "2011-09-17", { "followers": 10099017, "friends": 689622 } ], [ "2011-09-18", { "followers": 10114061, "friends": 689592 } ], "id": "1018-76d66df4d4fdc12d9dcf8d08c9795cfe", "request": { "count": 10, "external": true, "generate": 1230336000, "last": 1316736000, "name": "friendsandfollowers", "source": "twitter", "term": "user:barackobama" }, "status": "complete" }
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