Kredentials API

Kredentials presents the online history of a user in a comprehensive format that makes it simple to understand the source of your Kred score. Internally, we refer to this as your identity archive. Data from March 2011 has been aggregated data make this up, and through a simple call, you're able to return all of this via API.

Access to Kredentials is only available when you have signed up for a 1200+ plan


Request - Required Parameters

  1. app_id (STRING) - Eight Digit ID [ex: 84d8620b]
  2. app_key (STRING) - Thirty-two digit key [ex: 281014ad8b0fba5adcc88fac7d79999c]
  3. Post app registration, your app id and key can be viewed by going to and clicking "view

  4. source (STRING) source=twitter
  5. term (STRING) - Parameter description (values: @Name, Keyword, Multiple Keywords, #Hashtag, Phrase, or Post) - See Appendix:Term Structures for all terms

Rate of return is limited with this method to 1500 per user to process. To increase the ability to process these queries faster, one must remove the cloud function by appending to the call "&clouds=0" or "&clouds=false". This will allow the queries to generate much faster.

Request - Sample URL


Histogram; relational to date range defined. Returns in JSON format.

Response - Fields

  1. influence (STRING) - Overview of Influence Score
    • followers (STRING) - followers of a user from the last time they have tweeted
    • influence_score (STRING) Global Kred Influence Score - To see how it's calculated go to
    • mention_in (STRING) - Number of mentions a user has received
    • reply_in (STRING) - Number of replies a user has received
    • retweet_in (STRING) - Number of time a user has been retweeted
    • influence communities (STRING) - Kred Influence scores by community; communities are determined using propriety dictionaries based off algorithms that use bio information, tweet data, and other information

  2. links (STRING) - Top links shared by a user
  3. name (STRING) - @name of twitter user

  4. outreach (STRING) - Overview of Outreach Level
    • following (NUMBER) - Number of followers from when this user last tweeted
    • links (NUMBER) - Number of links shared by user
    • mention_out (NUMBER) - Number of times user mentioned other users
    • outreach_score (NUMBER/NUMBER) - Global Outreach Score - To see how this is calculated go to
    • reply_out (NUMBER) - Number of times a user has replied
    • retweet_out (NUMBER) - Number of times a user has retweeted other users
    • "outreach_communities" (STRING) - Kred Outreach Levels by community; communities are determined using propriety dictionaries based off algorithms that use bio information, tweet data, and other information
    • tags (STRING) - top #hashtags used by user
    • userid-mentions (STRING) - top mentioned users by the user
    • words (STRING) - word cloud of user's tweets
    • status (STRING) - submitted, processing, waiting (rarely), complete.

Sample Response

{ "data": [ 

{ "influence": 
{ "followers": 4037, 
  "influence_score": 773, 
  "mention_in": 7721, 
  "reply_in": 1656, 
  "retweet_in": 802 }, 

"influence_communities": { "Actors": 125, "Advertising": 622, "Airlines": 194, "Alternative Health": 335, "Animation": 266, "Architects": 432, "Artistas": 21, "Artists": 305, "Astrology": 41, "Astronomy": 112, "Automotive": 408, "Basketball": 165, "Beauty": 112, "Biking": 228, "Bloggers": 460, "C-Suite Execs": 605, "CEO": 666, "Cat Lovers": 269, "CelebrityNews": 301, "Charity": 356, "Comedy": 246, "Contests": 220, "Dancers": 123, "Doctors": 235, "Dog Lovers": 311, "Education": 803, "Empleos": 54, "Estudiantes": 37, "Extreme Sports": 262, "Familia": 21, "Family": 344, "Fashion": 255, "Finance": 435, "Fitness": 378, "Food": 376, "Football": 165, "Gamblers": 21, "Gaming": 50, "Golf": 337, "Graphic Design": 340, "Health": 525, "Hiking": 359, "Home Business": 313, "IBM": 270, "Intel": 351, "Investors": 246, "LGBT": 108, "Lawyer": 392, "Marketing": 760, "Models": 103, "Mommy Bloggers": 496, "Mothers": 496, "Motorbikes": 123, "MovieGoers": 198, "Music": 21, "Musicians": 165, "News": 392, "Parents": 270, "Photography": 319, "Podcasters": 293, "Politics": 267, "Publishing": 628, "Radio": 391, "RealEstate": 279, "Recruitment": 418, "Religion": 128, "Reporters": 341, "Sailing": 187, "Shopaholics": 278, "Social Media": 751, "Sports": 248, "Students": 197, "Surfing": 208, "Sustainability": 361, "Tech": 529, "Tennis": 120, "Travel": 461, "Yoga": 396 }, 

"links": [ [ "", 23 ], [ "", 12 ], [ "", 11 ], [ "", 5 ], [ "", 4 ], [ "", 3 ], [ "", 3 ], [ "", 2 ], [ "", 2 ], [ "", 2 ], [ "", 2 ], [ "", 2 ], [ "", 2 ], [ "", 2 ], [ "", 2 ], [ "", 2 ], [ "", 1 ], [ "", 1 ], [ "", 1 ], [ "", 1 ], [ "", 1 ], [ "", 1 ], [ "", 1 ], [ "", 1 ], [ "", 1 ], [ "\u201d", 1 ], [ "", 1 ], [ "", 1 ], [ "", 1 ], [ "", 1 ] ], 

"name": "Kred", 
 { "following": 3832, 
   "links": 2299, 
   "mention_out": 1078, 
   "outreach_score": 7, 
   "reply_out": 3206, 
   "retweet_out": 176 }, 

"outreach_communities": { "Actors": 1, "Advertising": 3, "Airlines": 1, "Alternative Health": 0, "Animation": 0, "Architects": 2, "Artists": 3, "Astrology": 0, "Astronomy": 0, "Automotive": 1, "Basketball": 0, "Beauty": 0, "Biking": 1, "Bloggers": 4, "C-Suite Execs": 3, "CEO": 4, "Cat Lovers": 0, "CelebrityNews": 0, "Charity": 0, "Comedy": 1, "Contests": 0, "Dancers": 1, "Doctors": 0, "Dog Lovers": 2, "Education": 2, "Estudiantes": 0, "Extreme Sports": 0, "Family": 3, "Fashion": 2, "Finance": 2, "Fitness": 2, "Food": 3, "Football": 1, "Gaming": 2, "Golf": 0, "Graphic Design": 1, "Health": 1, "Hiking": 0, "Home Business": 0, "IBM": 0, "Intel": 0, "Investors": 0, "LGBT": 0, "Lawyer": 1, "Marketing": 4, "Models": 0, "Mommy Bloggers": 2, "Mothers": 2, "Motorbikes": 0, "MovieGoers": 1, "Music": 1, "Musicians": 2, "News": 3, "Parents": 2, "Photography": 2, "Podcasters": 0, "Politics": 2, "Publishing": 3, "Radio": 1, "RealEstate": 0, "Recruitment": 1, "Religion": 1, "Reporteros": 0, "Reporters": 1, "Sailing": 0, "Shopaholics": 2, "Social Media": 5, "Sports": 3, "Students": 2, "Surfing": 0, "Sustainability": 2, "Tech": 4, "Tennis": 0, "Travel": 2, "Yoga": 0 }, 

"tags": [ [ "#Kred", 126 ], [ "#Influence", 42 ], [ "#KaizenBlog", 29 ], [ "#thanks", 25 ], [ "#DoubleTheLove", 17 ], [ "#smwhk", 11 ], [ "#transparent", 11 ], [ "#getrealchat", 10 ], [ "#mediachat", 7 ], [ "#ToolsChat", 7 ], [ "#Klout", 5 ], [ "#Pivotcon", 5 ], [ "#FollowFriday", 4 ], [ "#transparency", 3 ], [ "#socialmedia", 3 ], [ "#Smmanners", 3 ], [ "#tmomdisney", 3 ], [ "#smwsf", 2 ], [ "#smw12", 2 ], [ "#SMWNYC", 2 ], [ "#Gratitude", 2 ], [ "#cultureshifts", 2 ], [ "#QRCode", 2 ], [ "#playground", 2 ], [ "#holdtight", 2 ], [ "#GolinHarris", 1 ], [ "#BWELA", 1 ], [ "#ImSoOverThem", 1 ], [ "#joshuamiller", 1 ], [ "#StopBullying", 1 ] ], 

"userid-mentions": [ [ "@kred", 299 ], [ "@peoplebrowsr", 111 ], [ "kred", 101 ], [ "@andrewgrill", 40 ], [ "@jkcallas", 32 ], [ "@klout", 26 ], [ "@dabneyporte", 17 ], [ "@orchmail", 16 ], [ "@twylah", 12 ], [ "@kilby76", 11 ], [ "@3keyscoach", 10 ], [ "@jeffreyhayzlett", 8 ], [ "@silverstar22b", 8 ], [ "@rdempsey", 8 ], [ "@jmmuscarello", 8 ], [ "@pushingvision", 7 ], [ "ffhelper", 7 ], [ "@jgombita", 7 ], [ "@traviswallis", 7 ], [ "@parissab", 6 ], [ "@heathermeeker", 6 ], [ "@chathri", 6 ], [ "@sanchezjb", 5 ], [ "@socialmmmdiva", 5 ], [ "@ambercleveland", 5 ], [ "@wingdude", 5 ], [ "@angelamaiers", 5 ], [ "iammrsid", 5 ], [ "@boehmography", 5 ], [ "@sakluger", 4 ] ], 

"words": [ [ "kred", 162 ], [ "access", 121 ], [ "soon", 107 ], [ "thanks", 65 ], [ "influence", 59 ], [ "love", 58 ], [ "social", 48 ], [ "invite", 48 ], [ "thank", 47 ], [ "releasing", 43 ], [ "tight", 40 ], [ "blog", 34 ], [ "excited", 33 ], [ "coming", 31 ], [ "close", 27 ], [ "hang", 26 ], [ "wrote", 25 ], [ "contribution", 24 ], [ "media", 24 ], [ "cocrb4qaar", 23 ], [ "request", 21 ], [ "check", 20 ], [ "requested", 20 ], [ "double", 19 ], [ "received", 18 ], [ "hold", 17 ], [ "release", 17 ], [ "polishing", 16 ], [ "wait", 15 ], [ "score", 15 ] ] } ], 

"id": "999-4c01bb4760dc026fb528ce823e765e3e", 
{ "app_id": "***cf59d", "app_key": "*****16e81893c76602d2d7b0d267f47", 
 "external": true, 
  "name": "kredentials", 
  "source": "twitter", 
  "term": "kred" }, 
  "status": "complete" }

PHP Code Sample